joi, 12 iunie 2008

St. Macarius of Egipt

For Macarius, man's only deliverance comes by baptism. Prayer and the whole spiritual life are only means of stimulating the growth of the seed sown in the " bath of regeneration".

" By the analogy of faith, the Divine Spirit, our Advocate, who was sent to the apostles and through them drawn down upon the only true Church of God at the moment of baptism, this Spirit in various manifold ways accompanies every man who comes to baptism in faith.

Christians belong to another world, they are sons of the Heavenly Adam , a new people, children of the Holy Spirit, radiant brothers of Christ, like unto their Father: the spiritual and radiant Adam.

Thus it is possible to taste in Christianity the grace of God : Taste and see that the Lord is sweet ( Ps. 34.9). This tasting is the dynamic power of the Spirit manifesting itself in full certitude in the heart. The sons of light, ministers of the New Convenant in the Holy Spirit, have nothing to learn from men; they are taught by God. Grace itself engraves the laws of the Spirit on theirs hearts... In fact the heart is master and king of the whole bodily organism, and when grace takes possesion of the pasture-land of the heart, it rules over all its members and all its thoughts; for it is in the heart that the intelligence dwell all the soul's thoughts; it finds all its good in the heart. That is why grace penetrates all the members of the body".